Thursday, August 13, 2009

Autumn Meeting Announcement

Autumn Meeting:
Wabash Erie Canal Interpretative Center - Delphi, Indiana
September 9, 2009 - 10:30 a.m.

Now that Summer vacations are behind us we'll be taking a look at the progress made since we last met and the challenges we face going forward. Here are some of what will be discussed:

1. Purdue Agriculture School Class' final project presented at our May 6, 2009, meeting. The class' took on the task of assisting in fulfilling the vision of a towpath trail extending over and celebrating the history of the Wabash & Erie Canal. Although the original canal stretched 468 miles from Lake Erie to Evansville on the Ohio River, a portion was selected for the study. Specifically the area between Logansport and Lafayette was chosen to observe the typical scenarios that might be encountered when attempting to design a towpath trail. Also, the study served to identify the several opportunities that could be exploited. A booklet was produced to identify the benefits of creating trails, taking a deeper look at the history and current status of the canal route, and offering ideas and solutions to problems that might be encountered.

2. Questionnaire - To assist the Group's endeavor to fulfill its vision of reconnecting communities along the Wabash Erie Canal Towpath by developing a trial along the entire length of the historic route, a "Wabash Erie Canal Corridor Assessment" form was designed by Rory Robertson of National Parks. The 10-questions printed on two sides of one sheet is intended to gather information needed to assist communities interested in adaptively reuse of the canal. Bob Schmidt of the Canal Society of Indiana (CSI) has prepared a mailing list to send the questionnaire. names include WRHC Commissioners, County Historians, CSI members, Community trail officials. County and city commissioners are yet to be added. Who and how the replies will be tallied will be determined.

3. Towpath Directional Signs: Wabash County placed an order for the 6-inches by 18-inches directional signs for posting along the towpath line in Wabash County.
Communications with Historic Forks of the Wabash director have begun to discuss how the directional signs might be adapted with a proposed marker project grant.

4. Adjourn before the 1:00 pm meeting of the Wabash River Heritage Corridor Commissioners meeting to be held in the same facility.


Purdue University Landscape Architecture class (from left to right) Michael Sibik, Ashley Dawson, Tom Fellagy and Associate Professor Bernie Dahl. A large format 21-page "Wabash & Erie Canal Towpath Trail concept was the result of the class project.